Sunday, June 28, 2009

Golden Gate Park

This is probably my most favorite photo. I took it "in a magic place, long, long ago" at one of the secret places in Golden Gate Park, of my daughter.


In "the distant past" there was an article on the cavepaintings in France in Newsweek. I was and continue to be blown away by these paintings. There is nothing "stick figure" about these. The power and interconnectedness of the animals to the artist(s) is so present. Some of todays' artists are hard put to duplicate this.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Susan Sedon Boulet inspired me for a long time, and one day I found out that she had died of breast cancer, the mid-90's I think. I went through some kind of a process of sadness and not wanting to accept that her art was no more, would not go on. The next step after a time was that her inspiration would go on, and I started painting my visions.

The Art of Seeing

The art of seeing and the art of being are yin and yang.